13 Tips for New Social Work Interns

Last year, I completed my first internship experience as a social work intern.  Interning at an elementary school as the school’s counselor gave me more positive experiences and opportunities into the field.  Here’s a list of my professional and (personal) tips for new social work interns…

1.   Always eat a hearty breakfast.  You will need all the energy to have a successful day!

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2. It’s normal to be nervous.

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3. Always, Always ask questions.

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4.  Make the best first impression with your supervisor AND their assistants or secretaries.  They will support you during any admin troubles.

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5.  Dress professionally.  Like all the time. 

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6.  But also wear something that doesn’t make you feel uncomfortable…especially if you are working with kids.

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7.  Always document everything. 

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Even if it is a phone call from a client or agency….these things will matter one day.


8.  Work on your penmanship. 

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Since you will be doing a lot of processing and reflecting with your supervisor, it will be important to be able to read your own writing.


9.  Be on time. 

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If you will be late, call ahead of time.


10.  Bring your snacks. 

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Trust me.  As much as you plan on having a 30-60 minute lunch, there will be days where its not going to happen.


11. Check your boundaries. 

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As an intern, everyone is going to love you.  Pretty soon you will be getting Facebook requests from co-workers and clients.  Always discuss these with your supervisor.


12.  Balance your time. 

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You will have to fit your studying, paper writing, processing, reporting, family time, boy/girl friend time, hobby time, etc. all in a single day.


13.  Finally….self care.  You know the drill.

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